Pyramid of Numbers and Pyramid of Biomass

Learning Objective: To see the information that is shown in a Pyramid of Numbers and a Pyramid of Biomass

What is the difference between these two pyramids?
In groups prepare a presentation explaining the difference. You must include

* What a pyramid of numbers is
* What a pyramid of biomass is
* How each is worked out
* An example of each including the organisms and the food chain
* The benefits of each
* The bad points of each
* Which one you think is easiest to understand

And the answer to the following questions:

1) Draw a food chain in the correct for the following organisms:
Ladybirds, Roses, Blackbirds.

2) There are 4 ladybirds, 20 Roses and 1 Blackbird. Use this information to draw a pyramid of numbers.

3) Draw a food chain in the correct order for the following organisms:
Stickleback, Pond Snail, Water Weeds.

3) There are 4 pond snails, 1 stickleback and 12 water weeds. Use this information to draw a pyramid of numbers.

Bonus Questions: What habitats will both sets of organisms live in?

Useful Links:
Useful Notes
Interactive workshop
Some good definitions
RSPB activity

If you finish all of these:
Ecological Relationships Quiz
Ecological Relationships and Year Seven Revision